Sunday 14 February 2016


               Divine favor does not belong to all but only to the elect, and as a child of the Most High God you are legally in line for an outpouring of divine favor and promotion that is coming your way. But you must first apply these biblical principles to receive it.
For example, divine favor rested on the life of Abraham, yet none of his family experienced it. His father, Terah, and all his family that stayed in Haran did not know God’s favor (Genesis 11). Abraham was blessed and favored because he was chosen (Genesis 12:1-3).
And that favor was seen repeatedly in Abraham’s life. There are so many examples in Scripture. When he went down to Egypt, he had favor with the pharaoh (Genesis 12). When he fought against the forces that captured his nephew Lot (Genesis 14), Abraham was given divine favor and victory.
Divine favor rested on his son Isaac, but Isaac’s half-brother Ishmael did not know the same favor. Isaac was blessed beyond measure during one of the worst famines of his day. Even though he sowed seed during drought, he received a hundredfold return (Genesis 26:12).
Think about it—he received a hundredfold return in the midst of famine, even though those around him remained in drought! Now that is real favor. And everywhere Isaac turned he prospered, so much so that Abimelech, king of the Philistines, said to Isaac:
“Go from us; for thou art much mightier than we” (Genesis 26:16).
How about Jacob, whom God favored instead of his brother Esau:
“Yet I loved Jacob, and I hated Esau” (Malachi 1:2-3).

Why would God set his heart on one brother and not another? Favor.
In fact, amazing favor rested upon Jacob repeatedly throughout his life. He escaped the wrath of his own brother and the trickery and mistreatment of his uncle Laban. Jacob left Isaac’s house empty and came back one of the richest men of his day.
Favor also rested on Joseph, Jacob’s son, in such a supernatural way that he was promoted in Egypt when Pharaoh had never seen him before. He was unknown to the ruler of the most powerful nation in the region, yet Joseph was given such favor that Pharaoh handed him control over the land!
Favor rested on Moses to such an extent that he was favored by Pharaoh’s daughter, who prepared the infant as he grew up for his life’s historic mission.
Favor rested on Israel when they left Egypt to such a degree that they literally took all the riches of Egypt (Exodus 12:36). The Bible says they “spoiled,” or took all the wealth, not just part of it.
God’s supernatural and divine favor rested on David as he defeated Goliath and later was given the kingdom while being protected repeatedly against his enemies. God even called David “a man after his own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14). Divine favor rested on Solomon and God restored him in the end.

So much favor rested on the life of Job that God restored twice what was taken from him.
God’s favor rested on the prophets so amazingly that when Nebuchadnezzar seized Jerusalem in 586 B.C., he ordered that Jeremiah be freed from prison and treated well.
The list of examples of divine favor is endless!
Even our precious Lord Jesus, who escaped harm time after time, experienced His Father’s divine favor.
The apostles were favored by the people and the authorities could not touch them or stop them from preaching the Gospel. Paul the apostle was given favor by the Romans themselves and protected from death when the Jews tried to kill him. He was rescued more than once, with God preserving his life repeatedly.

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